Listed Private Equity Tag

CPD: A deep dive into listed private equity investments

Private equity (PE) is ownership or interest in a corporate entity that’s generally not publicly listed or traded. However, PE is increasingly backing listed companies with opportunities for transformative growth and, in some cases, taking them from public to private.

PE managers typically raise capital from high-net-worth individuals or institutions into PE funds, then use that capital to purchase stakes in private companies or acquire control of public companies with plans to execute long-term value creation strategies.

Private equity investment vehicles can be listed or unlisted. Listed Private Equity (LPE) comprises entities listed on global stock exchanges whose main activity is investing in private companies, private equity funds or the investment managers of private equity funds.

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CPD: The benefits of investing in Listed Private Equity

Private equity (PE) refers to the ownership or interest in a corporate entity that is typically not publicly listed or traded. PE managers usually raise capital from high-net-worth individuals or institutions to create PE funds, which they then use to invest in private companies or to acquire public companies, often taking them private. The goal is to implement long-term value creation strategies.READ MORE


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