PAN-Tribal will build its product offering around its clients’ greatest needs, to provide breadth of asset management capabilities across a range of asset classes and investment strategies.

These products will span different asset classes, investment styles and approach. There will be one similarity across the product suite; all funds will be of exceptional quality from high calibre managers, not available in the Australian wholesale/retail market.


An extensive global search and selection process continues; its focus is to identify talented asset managers that offer quality products differentiated from those already available to Australian investors.

The rigorous due diligence process includes:


  • Multiple site visits with management, investment and administration teams
  • Discussions with personnel across the business to understand the business culture
  • Interrogation of the investment process
  • Importantly – can this manager and product add value to clients’ portfolios?


The products available in the PAN-Tribal suite are the:


The following information has been prepared by PAN-Tribal Asset Management for use by Sophisticated Investors / Wholesale Clients and Investment Professionals only. No account has been taken of the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person. Information is provided for general information purposes only and does not contain investment recommendations nor provide investment advice, nor is it intended to take the place of professional advice. Investors should not take action in reliance on information contained on this website.


Past performance information provided on this website is given for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon as (and is not) an indication of future performance. None of PAN-Tribal, its related bodies or associates, nor any other person, guarantees the repayment of capital or the performance of the Fund(s) or any particular returns from the Fund(s). No representation or warranty is made concerning the accuracy of any data contained on this website.


I have read the important information above and confirm that I am a Sophisticated Investor / Wholesale Client (as defined under the Corporations Act) and/or Investment Professional and that I wish to proceed.