PAN-Tribal Asset Management signs distribution agreement
PAN-Tribal Asset Management and Barwon Investment Partners are pleased to announce they have signed an exclusive distribution agreement for the Australian marketplace.
Founded in 2006, Barwon Investment Partners focuses on providing innovative investment solutions in the private equity and property asset classes for institutional and wholesale clients. Read more about Barwon Investment Partners.
In the first instance, PAN-Tribal Asset Management will distribute the Barwon Global Listed Private Equity Fund, which has a 12-year track record and has delivered investors 14%* per annum for the past 10 years (at 31 December 2019, net of fees).
The fund invests in a portfolio of listed private equity funds (including buyouts, growth capital, and venture capital) together with listed alternative asset managers. The fund also invests in private equity-backed listed companies.
It typically invests in a portfolio of 15 to 20 securities at any one time, seeking the best opportunities from the investment universe while providing diversification across geographies, deal stages and vintages. Click here to read more about the Barwon Global Listed Private Equity Fund.
“PAN-Tribal Asset Management aims to create wealth for investors by sourcing the best financial products from the best investment managers worldwide,” said PAN-Tribal Asset Management CEO Colin Woods.
“At a time when traditional asset classes are challenged, I believe the Barwon Global Listed Private Equity Fund will fill an important gap for Australian investors.”
* Past performance is not an indication of future performance.